on saturday penelope and i went to the corn maze up at thanksgiving point with krystal, aaron, lincoln, grandpa & grandma sparks and tanner. it ended up being a lot more than a corn maze! they had a lot of amusing things. they had a big maze dedicated to david archuleta, a children's maze, a haunted maze, a haunted creature, some bike/car things, jumping pillows, baby pig/ baby goat races and much more. we had some fun! penelope enjoyed the corn in the maze, she tried to eat it and then she fell asleep. the lady who was at the entrance of the maze told us it would take 45 minutes....LIAR. we were in the maze forever and we ended up cheating and getting out via the emergency exit. it was a fun trip. we'll have to go next year when penelope can enjoy more af the attractions.
these are the only pics i got before the camera battery died...SAD!
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