my little isla may is 4 months. i can't believe it. the other day i was looking down at my sweet girl sleeping in my arms and i was remembering the moment she was handed to me right after birth, i was holding her the same, but oh she's changed. i know she's going to be enormous in no time, it makes me sad. i am trying to drink in every moment of this little girl and here's what i'm drinking:
-she is loving her hands. they are her new favorite toy (don't worry she still plays with her tongue and blows spit bubbles plenty.) she clasps them in front of her and stares at them, sucks on them and grasps at things with them.
-she likes to coo and have conversations with us.
-she really loves her bigger sister, especially when she sings to her. oh, and they are now roomies because she graduated into her crib.
-she's not sleeping well anymore and she's also not taking a bottle-these are what we'll be working on for the next little while.
-she is not rolling over yet, but she is getting over onto her side and is very close to going from back to tummy.
-she's weighing in at 13#10oz (50-75th percentile.) we are loving every little roll and dimple.
-she's 25 1/4" tall (75-90th percentile.)
-she's got blue eyes, but a little green is coming in...And we're still waiting to see what that hair's going to be like...
-she still needs to be swaddled for naps and bedtime.
-she has a sweet temperament, a beautiful smile and loves to be cuddled.
we love our sweet isla girl and are excited to see what month no. 5 brings.

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